Knowledge Tree Pt. 2 and Retaining Knowledge
Last week's recap: The world of knowledge tree, where each individual fact is a leaf. These leaves are connected through twigs, which are then connected through branches.
The challenge with The Knowledge Tree:
- it is surrounded by a layer of thick smog.
In the smog, you can only see individual of leaves sticking out, but then disappearing into the smog immediately.
This is exactly what happens when you learn a piece of isolated knowledge and immediately forget it.
The only way to keep track of the leaf is when you connect it through twigs with other temporarily visible leaves.
The more leaves you connect, the higher probability one of the connected leaves are visible.
Solution: Connect knowledge by building context
Let's say you're learning about features of different styles in architecture. Instead of memorizing Renaissance, Medieval, etc. styles, learning their respective historical backgrounds will illuminate the context behind their features, allowing you to retain that knowledge for longer.
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